Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just a short note: I've desided to make some tutorials related to doll accesories making and etc. Check on the left side of my Blog window "tutorials made by me".

Thursday, September 10, 2009

embroidery embroidery embroidery ...

why has noone told me that embroidering with metalic thread is SO difficult??? .....
This is a real chalange for my hands, and patience, but I realy like the result :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Here she is, painted in first 2 layers of acrylic paint. I just love this picture!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

work in progess

little by little the new doll is moving forward. I have made her face and I'm working on a body at the moment. Oh how I'd wish this modeling mass would dry faster :)

I have added ornaments to her face, to make i look like a mask. I will paint it in gold later, and meanwhile she looks like this: