Long long time ago, there was a kingdom, and a castle and a princess in it… She was a lovely girl - very sweet and helpful. Everyone loved her and she loved everyone. She was so happy all the time, that she has told once: “I love life so much, that I could live for ever”.
But as it happens in those moments – the dark sorcerer was listening to these words. “you want to live for ever? So let it be!” - the sorcerer said. And so it happened… The time was running but princess was not ageing. Everyone she knew has died, generations were changing, people moved from that area, the castle fell dawn only ruins were remaining. And poor princess was still there – she could not leave the place - she was cursed to live there for ever....
Ok I know it’s a bit creepy, how ever that explains why she is so pail and dusty. :)
And for those of you who are curious about how this doll was made, I have a surprise – I’m writing a book where I’m explaining all the process step by step.