Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Winter Day Muse

Do you know those winter days, when it's so cold that it seems your fingers and nose will turn into peaces of ice, and at the same time it’s so sunny and the snow shines so brightly and everything around looks so beautiful and mysterious, that you just do not want to go to the house?
These are the days that inspired me to create this girl.

37 cm, air-dry clay, steel wire, hundreds of silver coated and glass micro beads.
This is the doll I’ve made some time ago for a virtual exhibition: http://kukly.ru/virtual11/galery.php
The idea of this exhibition was to hide names of the contestants and then to try to guess who has made which doll. I have to admit, that mine was easy to guess :)


  1. Breathtaking! I love her hair - how did you manage to keep it all in place?

  2. Thank you, Abi :)
    The hair, well... I was using transparent thread while making the hairdress ;)

  3. Your work is amazing and it's so interesting to see how others create. I haven't used the fiberfill wrapped like you do, but maybe I'll have to try it. Keep up the awesome doll making.


  4. She is just wonderful! My favorite period style.. her dress is to die for! Gracious and beautiful!

  5. Thank you Meri! Thank you Joanna! It's very important for me to know that my work has brought you a nice moment.

  6. I am so inspired by your work...she is breath taking!!

  7. Thank you, Rose, I'm very glad to know that. I love your work too... I gues this inspiration is mutual :)
