Tuesday, June 1, 2010

November Morning

The girl whom I’ve called “November Morning” is finished.
I know I know, it is summer, the trees are green and birds are singing and flowers are blooming… But I just couldn’t resist making this girl. She was living in my head for a while and the doll making classes were a good opportunity to start her.
She is around 55 cm tall. Her head, hands and legs are sculpted from paperclay. Her dress is made from flax and cotton fabrics. I’ve painted her with acrylic and oil paints and she has 5 ravens living on her hair dress :)
I am absolutely happy about how she came out. I’d could keep looking at her and meditating for hours :) How ever I’ve decided to sell her, so I’m starting seeking for loving owners for her.


  1. Hi Dorote,

    OMG, she's gorgeous! Your talent amazes me, I would so love to have you show me some tricks, as my creations are so crass compared to yours. Please let me know if you're ever in Arizona, for any reason, and I'd love to host you in one of my classes.


  2. très raffiner et élégante ta November Morning
    Elle pourrais aussi se nommer Espoirs de Printemps.

  3. Ваша работа впечатляет! Браво!

  4. WOW! I love your blog! All your creations are beautiful!

  5. Thank you!
    And thank you again! :)

    Meri, I'd be happy giving classes to you. :) Jus the small problem about Arizona is that I actualy live on the other side of the world... well but one can never know - maybe I will travel there some day :)

  6. Dorote,

    I must say, I absolutely LOOOVE this piece. Like you, I can look at her for hours. Except, right now, I wish I had the money in my pocket to give her a good and loving home. Alas, I will have to sit and look at this forlorn and early winter beauty. How I love your imagination and your skill with fabrics. Excellent and superb doll!


  7. Dorote, she is exquisite, i adore the way here hair transforms int to the tree branches. beautiful!

  8. Dorote, como me gustan tus muñecas, realmente eres toda una artista plastica. Son refinadas, elegantes y toda una obra de arte.Si me lo permites hare una mencion en mi blog sobre tu arte y porsupuesto pondre tu enlace.Gracias por mostrasnos esta maravilla.

  9. Muchas gracias Monica!
    Por supuesto que tener un permiso para mostrar mis obras de arte y un enlace a mi blog en su sitio.


  10. Will your November Morning lovely lady be showing up any time soon in your etsy shop? She's wonderful!
    Avery Ann

  11. can't tell that yet, averyann. I was planing to try "ebay" with her. Just it seems ebay is a bit problematic for sellers from such countries as Lithuania. So I see if i will finaly get in there, or I will sell her in Etsy.
    what ever I decide, i will write a note in my blog ;)

  12. Please do...I will keep my eye out for a note. I may know of a home for her!

  13. Великолепная кукла!

  14. I'm so happy that she's going to live with me in the Netherlands! She's my very first art doll i bought. She's going to keep my own selfmade dolls company :-)

  15. Je suis amoureuse de votre travail, de votre Art, c'est comme une fascination ! Merci...
