Saturday, July 17, 2010

Marie Antoinette

Good day to everyone!
May sun shines for those who miss it, and the rain rains for those who need it!

I’m presenting one of my last dolls in my blog today. (Some of you may have seen her in other virtual spaces). The dolly is an interpretation of Marie Antoinette, the queen who has never died, who will be always remembered because of her beauty and glamour, of her huge hairdressers and costumes and who will live for ever in works of artists of all times.

At the moment, Marie is listed in my my Etsy store


  1. I like the jointing! Great idea and so unique!

  2. I gasp every time I see your new posts! She's wonderful, you're a very talented artist Dorote.

  3. She's very beautiful! I love it that you got your very own style! On the faces and dresses of your dolls you can see that it's a real Dorote!

  4. Hi Dorote,

    I'm so enamored of your style and love how you costume each character. I'm 50 this year, but when I grow up I wanna' create just like you ;o)


  5. Thank you so much everyone!
    There were 3 first times for me in making of this doll:
    1. The joints - never made dolls jointed this way before
    2. the way she is painted - I usually use other technique
    3. this is my first sitting doll

    It was very interesting to make and I love the way she‘s came out. She is also very pleasant to hold in hands because of her weight, flexibility and soft fabrics of costume.

  6. I really love the way you've jointed her, it was a great choice!

  7. She is just wonderful! Everything about her is perfect! xoxo

  8. She is gorgeous! Really amazing work- your costuming is immaculate.

  9. I admire your style, aesthetics, vision and talent... your Antoinette is so VERY original, beautiful and elegant... real royalty!!!!!!


    kind regards

  10. Dorote, I see another fabulous creation here. You are creating in leaps and bounds and I am never disappointed by what I find here within your pages. Gorgeous work as always. I am thrilled to see you trying new techniques yet staying true to your thumb print in doll creating. I admire you as an artist, and thrilled you are a friend in doll making. It is nice to keep company with such a talented artist such as yourself. I love your Marie! Congratulations on the sell in your Etsy store too. That is wonderful!


  11. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
    Thank you my friends!
    Thank you for your time dedicated to take a look at my creatures and to write these beautiful coments; thank you for all those positive emotions you have brought to me!

  12. I found my way here from Etsy and LOVE your creations especially Marie... why have I not seen her sooner?

    Hope to see more soon :)
