Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010 is finishing

Onyx – my black precious stone.

Onyx is my last doll for 2010.

It’s been a wonderful and very productive year. I have achieved many goals and discovered many wonderful things.

Thank you so much, everyone, for being with me whole this year, for your support and precious coments on my photos.

Hugs to all!


  1. Happy Holidays, love your work and beautiful dolls

  2. When I grow up I want to be a doll artist just like you only with my personality stamped on them! I think you are in the absolute top 3 of doll artists I have ever seen or will ever see! I saw her on Etsy and just had to tell you your work takes my breath away! Blessings for the New Year! Jan

  3. oh, an ebony princess! Wonderful work Dorote. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New year! xoxo Christel

  4. Wonderful, her ruff gives her the air of a vampire queen!

  5. she is black and soooooooo beautyful

  6. Thank you so much my dear friends! You are all so kind!
    Have the very best Christmas and a most wonderful New Yaer!

  7. Your dolls leave me speechless!
    And Onyx is STU-NNING!!!!
