Saturday, November 26, 2011

Short update on the progress of the White Demon

I am finally done with the wig and slippers.
It took me a bit longer than expected, but I am happy with the result, which is most important of all. :)
The wig is made from natural mohair and decorated with glass beads and hand made silk flowers (those took some time! ). It was the first removable wig I have made, so I had to figure out how to make it not just good looking, but also easy to put on, and most important - firmly sitting on the head, which was quite a challenge, as it is pretty heavy. But at the end I can assure that it is really made well - it sits nicely and doesn't fall off even if the doll bents dawn.
The slippers was another story - the bottom part is made from a jewelry wire which is twisted in such complicated way, that I would never ever be able to repeat the design. How ever they are symmetrical, as they should be. The top part is made from flax fabrics, which I have chosen after trying out several different materials.
 I am still working on her dress and a special stand, which should complete the whole picture. :)

you can find some more pictures of her on my Flickr


  1. Очень красивая девушка!!! А обувь поразила в самое сердце!!!

  2. Good lord, you are a supremely talented artist. Such fine work.

  3. She is glorious. I LOVE the crescent moon headdress and the twisted silver shoes.

  4. i read your post and all the details and challenges you must find clarity with. i am so impressed, you are a magician and the results are fabulous.

  5. Oh, I am so impressed!!!
    She is a stunning beauty.
    That must have been an awful lot of work! Very well done. You've created a real masterpiece!

  6. She is absolutely amazing! your work is truly incredible!

  7. I stumbled across your work by chance and I am totally impressed!! My friend and I love faerys and the occult and we are hooked on your creations!

  8. Thank you so so much everyone! Your words are a huge inspiration to me!

  9. Felicitarte por tus muñecas, son realmente preciosas, soy fan de tus diseños, me fascina la delicadeza con las que estan realizadas, simplemente fantasticas y muy creativas.

  10. She is just simply gorgeous!!! Can't find the words to describe her!! Well done, waiting for the last touch :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hello Dorote!
    I love your dolls! I want to know if they are on sale because I would love to buy some especially beautiful Tender White Demon.

    Thank you very much!


  13. Thank you for all such positive comments!

    This doll is reserved already. How ever I am working on new dollies which will be for sale soon. I will keep you update via this blog and my fb page
