Monday, September 20, 2010

coming soon

I know I know - I've promissed to make more ribbon jointed dolls, and more BJD dollies and I am not coming with anything... well it s just becouse I am working 12 hours a day on some dolls at once and hopefuly I can show you some results soon :)
Meanwhile here is a sneak-peak from my studio - a new tiny bjd ;)


  1. 12 hours a day?!? are you nuts? hahaha!
    Your sneakpeak looks labai gražus

  2. Dear Dorote, beautiful work as always! I do so love the bleeding heart treasure below & love the shape of those flowers too! they always made me feel sad when i was small. x

  3. Thank you Ruthie!
    When I was small, I was a real terror for my grandma's garden - I was cutting off blossoms of flowers and playing with them as they would be princesess :) Bleeding hearts were my favorites as they had that princess dress shape and if you pull of the pink parts, it looked like a prince with white pans :)

  4. How lovely, my grandmother taught me how to press flowers & i still love to do that and make them into faeries x
