Monday, November 29, 2010

Joan and Angel

Let me present to you Joan d' Arc and Angel - two new dolls who didn't let me sleep untill I make them :

Joan was inspired by true historical figure. I had to make a research on medieval armor and costumes in general to be able to create her costume. The costume is decorated with metal and glass beads and chains.

Angel was another challenge, as I have never made wings before. I've got an idea of making wings while I was working on Titania (one of my previews dolls). I am very glad that the new technique worked just perfectly, because I was much against using natural feather because of it's ageing, and because I prefer not to harm animals.

And here is a rare picture of my two Ribbon Jointed Dolls together, as I actually never have a chance to take such pictures, because there is usually no more than one RJD at my home.

The two girls are listed on MY ETSY

hugs to all!
your Dorote


  1. Dorote...

    They are so amazing I am in love....I love everything from head to the cool angles of the shoes and boots...amazing


  2. They are both absolutely BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And you experiment for the angel's wings totally paid out! They look fantastic ;)

    Amazing work as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Sonia, Yovanka, thank you for your precious words! That means so much to me! xx

  4. two beautiful girls having a little talk and visit......

  5. JUST PERFECT!!! I'm glad you don't want to use real feathers :-) Therefore i admire you even more!

  6. They are so wonderful together...and apropos since Joan believed that angels spoke to her. Beautiful work!

  7. The two together projects an ominous atmosphere!

    I love how both Joan and Angel have the androgynous qualities to them.

  8. Thank you so much everyone for all you precious words!

  9. Just gorgeous, I love the look and style of your dolls.

