Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome to my Secret Garden

Everyone must have his own secret garden. A place where you can escape from the world and where you keep your most intimate thoughts. A place which is where only you know . A place deep in your heart. 

"Secret Garden " is a unique art doll bust.
It is 22 cm tall.
The doll is made from paper clay over wire armature, painted in acrylics/pastel/water color and sealed with protective varnish.
It is mounted on a candle holder which I have found in antique shop.
The hair of a doll is made from fine mohair fiber (not fur). Her head is decorated with paper roses which were hand painted and assembled on hand made "branch". 
The costume is made from flax and silk fabrics, decorated with embroidery glass and metal beads.
The doll is signed by author on her neck.

The head of the doll can be turned to the sides.

More photos can be found on my Flickr


  1. Incredible work! It must have taken many hours to make it.
    Jess xx

  2. Thank you Jess! Yes indeed it did, but when I am working I do not really feel the time - I just notice it when another week finishes and my parents invite me to a Sunday dinner. And then I have this feeling like "What? again?...wasn't it just yesterday?" :)

  3. Your work is mind-blowing, what a beautiful place to take us too......

  4. Your dolls are beyound amazing...they are like from some fairy tale ghost dream. I am always spellbound by your creativity.
    You are so extremely talented and gifted.
    The texture of your dolls' faces are so ethereal and delicate.
    Teresa in California

  5. Thank you very much Teresa! <3

  6. I could sit for hours in front of my computer to look at your beautiful work. Such creativity and imagination, thank you letting me into your fantastic world of art.

  7. Thank you so much Ann-Margret! You are welcome any time!
